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November 17

Animal: Snake

Flower: Chrysanthemum

Gifts: Growth, Harmony, Health

Ogham: Ngetal

Stone: Topaz

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Tree: Reed

Dear Abby,

Ludi Plebie – honor of began 220 & 216 B.C. Nov 4 – 17 Public games Rome rest & pleasure all civil & judicial business must be suspended for fear of offending the gods.

I decided to clean my room. Yes, I was inspired to decide when my mom asked me to. But I am going to use sage which is a Native American tradition of smudging in prep for entering sacred space.

I have decided my bedroom is a sacred space. I am looking for a way to cleanse my doorway so all who enter are automatically cleansed so no negative energies or others peoples energy can float in my room, Especially after the person leaves.