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January 15

Animal: Goose

Flower: Carnation

Gifts: Beginnings, Renewal, Youth

Ogham: Beth

Stone: Garnet

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Tree: Birch

Dear Abby,

Today I got to visit with my new baby cousin Raquel. She is a few weeks old. We went to her house as it is too cold to bring the baby out into the weather.

She has beautiful green/blue eyes.

Part of a tradition we observe is in honor of Camentalia, a Roman Goddess, who protects and loves all women and girls, especially midwives, she is the bearer of prophecy,. Which according to Tomas, is where the idea of the fairy godmother came to be.

So we all were invited by my auntie and uncle to view the baby in her crib, and to write down on a piece a paper a vision, wish or dream which we see for her. Once we write it down, we drop it into a basket and they parents can read them and tell us if they come true.

I was told that they were mostly well wishes and positive. Although if one got a scary vision that they should write it too so they can be prepared.

I saw a beautiful butterfly on a sunny afternoon. It whispered that Raquel can understand them, so let her listen to the faerie folk who will guide her.